Sunday, September 30, 2012

Math Stations- Counting and Numbers

Hello Parents!  The pictures in this post are of math stations students have been completing over the past few weeks.  I hope you enjoy viewing them!

At this station students used pattern blocks to make numbers or pictures of various objects (flag, flower, rocket, etc). 
(Source- number pattern block cards can be downloaded at:

At this station students used Chicka Chicka Boom Boom cards to make sets.  Students used play doh to match the set pictured on the ten frame.  

For this station students used blocks to count out the set to match the number on the pickup truck.  

Students clipped the correct amount of clothespins on the circle to match the number in the center. (Source:

We recently read the story Miss Bindergarten Goes on a Field Trip with Kindergarten.  In this story Miss Bindergarten and her class visit the post office, library, bakery, fire station, and a park.  The following three stations center around this story and other community helpers we have in our city.

We are also learning to recognize sets in different forms, including a scattered configuration.  At this station students counted the set, recording the number on their paper, and colored their ambulance to match.  

At this station students counted the dots on the ten frame, recorded the number, and colored the mail carrier to match.

At this station students selected a card, identified the larger number, recorded the number on their paper, and finally colored their police car to match.  

(Source: all three of the community helper stations pictured above are from:

We also recently read the story Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See.
At this station students selected a character from the story, counted the dots they saw, and recorded the number on their paper.  

At this station students used beads to represent apples on a apple tree.  They counted out the correct number of "apples" to match the number in the basket.

At this station students used rubber bands and geoboards to make numbers.  

This is another Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See themed station.  Students rolled one number die and recorded what they rolled on their paper.  Various dice are available for students to use at this station: number word die, numeral die, and dot configuration die.  

I hope you enjoyed seeing pictures of our math stations over the past few weeks.  Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great week!  

Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome Parents!

Hi Parents!  I am so happy that you have taken the time to visit our classroom blog!  Please stop by our blog this year to see the fun activities, projects, and literacy/math stations we are completing in our classroom.  

One of the first projects your child completed is the activity pictured below.  We read the story The Kissing Hand.  This story always becomes a class favorite and this year was no different!  Chester is a raccoon who is nervous about starting school.  After reading the story we discussed our feelings about starting school.  Students then picked one or two feelings that they felt on their first day of school and glued them to their paper.  They then drew a picture of themselves on their first day of school.  Finally they made and assembled Chester.  These projects will be coming home soon with your child!

(Source: Rhonda Baldacchino)

Another project was the All About Me Glyph pictured below.  Students made a person to look like themselves.  This is a standard we have in kindergarten, to identify physical attributes.  We talked about our eye color, hair color, etc.  We then made the glyph.

Dress= I am a girl
Shirt/Pants= I am a boy
buttons= my age

We have since counted the boys and girls in our class using the display pictured below.  

Another class favorite is the story Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  Students love the rhythmic text of this book.  In the book, letters climb up the tree before all falling down.  Students made a coconut tree and then glued the letters of their name climbing up the tree.  

In Social Studies we have been learning about classroom rules.  We have been learning the importance of being a good citizen in our classroom and throughout the school.  We read the story David Goes to School.  We identified the bad choices David made throughout the book.  We talked about the difference in being a Peacemaker and a Peacebreaker (see charts pictured below).  Finally we made David and shared how we can be peacemakers in our classrooms.  Their idea was then written in the speech bubble. 

(Source: Julie Lee from Mrs. Lee's Kinderkids)

The next five pictures are the literacy stations students have been completing.  The activities in these stations change every six days.  Your child will visit each station one time.  The next time they rotate to a particular station, it will have a new activity in it.  These are the "have to" stations students complete during literacy station time.  After completing their "have to" station, students rotate to a "can do" station.  I'll be posting more in the coming days about our classroom's "can do" stations.

At the car station, students used the alphabet arc pictured below to put the foam tiles in ABC order.  

At the truck station, students used pattern blocks to form letters.  

At the mail carrier station students used play doh to form letters of the alphabet.  Students formed capital and lowercase letters.

At the train station students found the matching flip flops.  Students then wrote the matching capital and lowercase letters on their paper.  They then colored the flip flops on their paper to match the flip flops from the basket.  

(Source: Deanna Jump and Julie Lee)

At the caboose station students clipped clothespins programmed with a letter of the alphabet to the matching letter on the letter wheel.  

Thanks again for stopping by.  Please feel free to comment below to let me know you found my blog!  I'll be posting more about our "can do" stations and math stations in the next few days.  

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 The second option is to follow by email.  If you follow by email, an email will be sent to you when a new post is posted on the blog.  To follow by email scroll to the bottom of this page and type in your email address.  

Have a great week!