Sunday, February 5, 2012

Winter Literacy and Math Stations

Hello Parents!  Students have been busy this week completing the following literacy and math stations.  Many of our stations had a winter theme including polar bears, penguins, and snowflakes!  

Polar Bear Beginning Sounds- Students match the picture card to the card with the matching beginning sound.  After all cards have been matched, students then complete their recording sheet.

Students record the match on their paper.  For example they would write: I is for ice cream.  I always encourage students to write the sounds they hear.  This is called "invented spelling."  An important kindergarten skill!
(polar bear cards from: Making Learning Fun)

Penguin Color Word Match- At this station students place the bow tie on the matching penguin by reading the color word.  After students have attached the bow ties to the penguins they then complete their recording sheet.  

On the recording sheet students pick color words to use in sentences.  They use the penguins to help them spell the color words correctly.  
(penguin cards from: Making Learning Fun)

Sound It Out Snowmen- at this station students use letter stamps to stamp the consonant-vowel-consonant word they see on the selected snowman.  They then color the hat and scarf on their snowman to match the color on their snowman card.  
(Source: Frosty Fun Literacy and Math Unit from Julie Lee

Winter CVC Practice- at this stations students select a card from the basket.  They then use a dry erase marker to write the consonant-vowel-consonant words in the boxes.  

Students then record the word on their paper.  
(Source: Can Do Kinders)

Snowflake Sequence- at this station students first find the three snowflakes that are the same color.

They then put the letters in ABC order.  Finally they record the letters on their paper and color their snowflake to match.  This allows me to easily check their paper!  
(Source: Frosty Fun with Math and Literacy from Julie Lee)

Penguin, Penguin 123- this station is much like the previous station except with numbers.  Students find the three number cards that are the same color.  They put the cards in order from least to greatest.  They then write the numbers in order on their paper and color their snowflake to match.  
(Source: Penguin Math and Literacy Activities from Growing Kinders)

Penguin Race- at this station students roll the money die and record the amount on their paper.  The object of the game is to fill in all the circles with the amount you roll to help the penguin reach it's home.  
(Source: Penguin Math and Literacy Activities from Growing Kinders)

How Many Fish Did the Penguin Catch- students select a card and count the penguins.  Students have learned that a full ten frame equals ten.  They start counting at ten and "count on" to see how many fish the penguin ate.  They then record their number in the appropriate box.
(Source: Penguin Math and Literacy Activities from Growing Kinders)

Thanks for stopping by!  Please check back next weekend for a new post!

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